Title: The Ghost of Goodacre Hall
Author: Cassandra Curtis
Read copy: eBook
Published: March 8, 2010
Publisher: Smashwords
ISBN: 0000833533
ISBN-13: 2940000833537
Matthew Lambert tried to run from his past, but when he decides to renovate an old house, he is forced to resurrect more than ghosts. Intrigued by the paranormal, Cadence Martin always loved Goodacre Hall. When she gets an invitation to attend the Victorian house's grand opening, she decides to see if the new owners are aware they just inherited the resident ghost, her great-aunt Miriam.
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Author: Cassandra Curtis
Read copy: eBook
Published: March 8, 2010
Publisher: Smashwords
ISBN: 0000833533
ISBN-13: 2940000833537
Matthew Lambert tried to run from his past, but when he decides to renovate an old house, he is forced to resurrect more than ghosts. Intrigued by the paranormal, Cadence Martin always loved Goodacre Hall. When she gets an invitation to attend the Victorian house's grand opening, she decides to see if the new owners are aware they just inherited the resident ghost, her great-aunt Miriam.
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