Friday, July 23, 2021

Review: Kissing Under the Mistletoe by Suzanne Enoch, Amelia Grey & Anna Bennett

Title: Kissing Under the Mistletoe
Series: Wild Wicked Highlanders
Author: Suzanne Enoch, Amelia Grey, Anna Bennett
Read copy: eBook (Kindle)
Published: September 28, 2021
Publisher: St. Martin's Press

In GREAT SCOT by Suzanne Enoch, Jane Bansil knows she will never have a fairy-tale life. But even at three-and-thirty and well past marriageable age, though, she has to admit that the architect the MacTaggerts have hired could turn even a confirmed spinster’s head.

In CHRISTMAS AT DEWBERRY HOLLOW by Amelia Grey, Isabelle Reed has no plans to ever fall in love. Certainly not with Gate, a man who doesn’t live in Dewberry Hollow. She will fulfill her duty and help him keep his promise to have his ill grandfather back in London in time for Christmas dinner. The last thing Isabelle wants is for Gate to take her heart with him when he goes.

In MY MISTLETOE BEAU by Anna Bennett, Miss Eva Tiding is determined to cheer her widowed father with the perfect Christmas gift. Even if it means breaking into the home of the rakish earl who swindled Papa out of his pocket watch and pretending to date the earl for the Christmas season.

My rating:

***ARC provided by publisher through NetGalley***

Great Scott! by Suzanne Enoch (❄❄)
After losing her job as a lady companion for helping her cousin elope , Jane Bansil moves to Scotland with said cousin and her husband. But life in the boisterous MacTaggert household isn't easy and Jane finds herself missing the silence and solitude...Which she just might find with a certain architect.

A decent enough short story if it weren't for the heroine and her skittish ways and the instantaneous romance. It is part of a series (the first three books are on my TBR pile), but you don't have to be deep into the Wild Wicked Highlanders lore and history to follow what's what...You do need plenty of suspension of disbelief, though, in the romance department.

Christmas at Dewberry Hollow by Amelia Grey (❄)
A duke and his grandson come to Deweberry Hollow to find a heart-engraved tree, a memento of the duke's late wife. But with that amount of trees, the duke's grandson will need all the help he can get.

Insta-love/lust on steroids, complicated by the shortness of the story (preventing any real character or story development) and the heroine's stubborn attitude toward love shaped by the fact her heart was a little bit bruised when she was twelve. I'm all for conflict and angst, but this was too much.

My Mistletoe Beau by Anna Bennett (❄❄❄❄)
Determined to get back the pocket watch her late mother gave her father who recently lost it in a card game, Evy Tiding breaks into the bachelor lodgings of the man who supposedly swindled her papa for the watch. He catches her in the act and proposes a daring scheme—they would pretend they're courting to appease his grandmother and in the end, Eva will get the watch back...

Another case of insta-love, but at least this one was fun. The banter and barbs flying between Eva and Jack served as foreplay, the story (though still short) was just long enough for the romance to really develop and the characters to appropriately change and grow, the supporting cast offered a nice backdrop and fodder for the backstory and the requisite conflict, and the two main characters were just so cute and adorable.

This story definitely saved this otherwise lackluster anthology.


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