Series: Victory Cove
Author: Maureen A. Miller
Read copy: eBook (Kindle)
Published: March 25, 2008
Publisher: Maureen A. Miller
ASIN: B00147RWB8
Serena Murphy was losing her mind.
Every night Serena stood on the deck of O'Flanagans Tavern, searching Maine's rugged coast for a sign of her husband's body. Though he was pronounced lost at sea, Alan Murphy still haunted her as only his malevolent spirit could. In the loft above her tavern, Serena hears footsteps pace across her living room floor, yet when she turns, no one is there. Alan would not let a little thing like death stop him from tormenting her. If she could just find his body, surely this torture would stop.
It had been ten years since Brett Murphy saw his sister in-law, although the separation was by design, to avoid temptation. Now Brett was in Victory Cove, not to declare his feelings for Serena, but to discover the truth about his brother's death. In doing so, he must battle Serena's ghosts, both real and contrived.
My rating:

***copy provided by author/publisher through BookSirens***
Serena Murphy is haunted by the ghost of her husband lost at sea a month ago. He wasn't a kind man in life and he's not in death either. Then his brother comes to town, demanding answers and suspecting Serena of helping his brother into the afterlife...
This one was rather painful to go through. I kept at it, because I kept hoping that it would actually get good, but it never did.
I didn't like the heroine. Maybe because I just couldn't get past the fact she stuck with her bastard of a husband for so long because she didn't like failure. Sheesh, lady.
I didn't like the hero, because he was an asshole, believing his brother even though he knew better and lashing out at Serena because he never got over his lust for her.
The suspense/haunting part of the story was the only thing that kept me turning the pages, but instead of the dead husband actually being alive faking the haunting (which was my first instinct) or the dead husband's ghost actually doing the haunting, the real culprit came out of the left field and the motive was flimsy at best.
1 star, bitchslappable heroine/hero, contemporary, contemporary romance, freebie, Maureen A. Miller, suspense/mystery/adventure/thriller
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