Friday, July 20, 2018

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Review: City Hunter Complete Edition Vol. 7-12 by Tsukasa Hojo

Title: City Hunter Complete Edition Volume 7
Series: City Hunter
Author: Tsukasa Hojo
Read copy: Paperback
Published: April 14, 2011
Publisher: Panini Comics Planet Manga
ISBN: 8865891106
ISBN-13: 9788865891100

Per le strade di Tokyo si parla solamente di lei: la misteriosa ladra n. 305! Giovane e affascinante, ha un problema che solo City Hunter può contribuire a risolvere: recuperare un prezioso fiore all’interno della casa di uno strano scienziato...

My rating:

Title: City Hunter Complete Edition Volume 8
Series: City Hunter
Author: Tsukasa Hojo
Read copy: Paperback
Published: March 12, 2011
Publisher: Panini Comics Planet Manga
ISBN: 8865891327
ISBN-13: 9788865891322

L’ingenua Yuki Minagawa è decisa più che mai a lavorare nel fast food malfamato di Shinjuku! C’è però un’altra cosa che desidera, cioè uscire con il ragazzo che le piace...Ryo! Una decisione del genere non può che portare grandi e grossi guai!

My rating:

Title: City Hunter Complete Edition Volume 9
Series: City Hunter
Author: Tsukasa Hojo
Read copy: Paperback
Published: January 16, 2011
Publisher: Panini Comics Planet Manga
ISBN: 8865892447
ISBN-13: 9788865892442

Una sposa in fuga, un insetto letale e un antidoto con il peggiore degli effetti collaterali possibili...Il prossimo incarico di City Hunter sarà davvero indimenticabile!

My rating:

Title: City Hunter Complete Edition Volume 10
Series: City Hunter
Author: Tsukasa Hojo
Read copy: Paperback
Published: July 14, 2011
Publisher: Panini Comics Planet Manga
ISBN: 8865892455
ISBN-13: 9788865892459

Ryo deve proteggere chi proteggerà lui dall’azione combinata della più goffa delle infermiere e della più manesca delle assistenti? Per City Hunter è in arrivo un nuovo incarico da parte di Saeko… sempre che riesca a sopravvivere alla degenza in ospedale!

My rating:

Title: City Hunter Complete Edition Volume 11
Series: City Hunter
Author: Tsukasa Hojo
Read copy: Paperback
Published: August 11, 2011
Publisher: Panini Comics Planet Manga
ISBN: 8865892986
ISBN-13: 9788865892985

Dopo la sua prima apparizione nel secondo volume, torna Umibozu. E lo fa in grande stile in una lunga storia che lo vede coprotagonista. Il gigante buono chiede a Ryo di passare un’intera giornata insieme a una giovane e talentuosa violinista di nome Maki...Ma quale legame intercorre tra l’ex mercenario e la ragazza? E, soprattutto, perché lei ha bisogno dell’aiuto di Ryo?

My rating:

Title: City Hunter Complete Edition Volume 12
Series: City Hunter
Author: Tsukasa Hojo
Read copy: Paperback
Published: September 15, 2011
Publisher: Panini Comics Planet Manga
ISBN: 8865893281
ISBN-13: 9788865893289

Umibozu torna in grande stile in una lunga storia che lo vede coprotagonista. Il gigante buono chiede a Ryo di passare un’intera giornata con una giovane e talentuosa violinista di nome Maki. Che legame c’è tra l’ex mercenario e la ragazza? e soprattutto, perché c’è bisogno dell’aiuto di Ryo?

My rating:

We're back at status quo as far as Ryo and Kaori are concerned...And as far as Ryo and any other female is concerned. This time it's a highschool student moonlighting as a thief (complete with clinging cat suit) in search of a stolen black tulip bulb.
Hilarity ensues as both Ryo and Kaori decide to tag along dressed as highschool students as well and Ryo attempts at lifting a 100 kg box with his "third hand".

This funny story offers a nice respite from the darker ones sprinkled throughout the series.

Another lighter installment in the series, complete with chastity belt for Ryo. *ROFTL*

The story was "light", the antics legendary, and the drawings of funny faces (either when Ryo and Kaori are bickering/arguing, or Ryo is in pain or his brain short-circuits) were priceless.

The final laugh came in the end, where these complete edition books feature different bonus segments. This one had a Mokkori-scale featuring the 10 ladies who made Ryo make most ;okkori moments. The first place, of course, belongs to Kaori and Ryo's explanation for that occurrence is priceless.

We're still in "easy" mode as far as the story goes, with laughter, banter and funny faces galore in this, probably the funniest, installment in the series as Ryo get's stung (it's his own fault) by a killer bee and in order to not die, demands the antidote...The only problem with the antidote is that it has a side effect that seriously impairs Ryo's Mokkori power. *ROFTL*

The bonus, at the end of the volume, this time features a numerological table of characters; you have to calculate which character you are based on your birth date (I'm Saeko, damn!) and then discover who your character is compatible with.
The best part is Ryo's description where in the end writes he's also capable of loving one woman for his entire life and his only serene moments are those spent in the company of the woman he loves.
Can I hear an "awwwwwwwwwww"?

This volume once more starts with a lighter theme, thanks to a klutzy nurse taking care of Ryo in order for him to protect her (unbeknownst to her, of course), only to end up on a serious note, when Saeko once more needs Ryo's help in fighting a human-trafficking ring only for Kaori to fall into the criminal's clutches.

This particular chapter once more shows a good glimpse into Ryo's true feelings toward his assistant, but also provides some much needed backstory as far as Saeko and Ryo's relationship is concerned.

And back to the fluff with Ryo having to protect a journalist as she's trying to get a career-changing scoop...And then Umibozu is back with a strange request for Ryo. The stronger half of City Hunter should pretend to be Umibozu for a day as a young violinist, daughter of Umibozu's mercenary colleague is in town...

It's Umibozu's turn to provide the laughs in this volume with his imaginative disguises (from Colonel Sanders, a statue of an elephant to a duck floating on the pond) as he trails his little protégée and Ryo for the streets of Shinjuku.

And then, in the end...It's Silver Fox! He's come to exact revenge on Ryo for having humiliated him in one of the previous volumes. The challenge is simple...Ryo has three days to stop Silver Fox from killing his woman. And who might that woman be? Kaori, of course. *stonk*


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