Sunday, February 4, 2018

Review: Untamed by Nora Roberts

Title: Untamed
Author: Nora Roberts

Read copy: eBook (Kindle)
Published: April 16, 2013
Publisher: InterMix

After his father’s death, lawyer Keane Prescott finds himself the new owner of a circus. Keane has no interest in running the show, until he meets Jovilette Wilder. The fierce lion tamer had a special bond with Keane’s father, and has made it clear she wants him to leave her and the circus alone. Yet Keane finds Jo impossible to resist—and knows he must find a way to tame her heart.

My rating:

Jovilette "Jo" Wilder has spent her entire life in the circus. She knows no other life, and she wants no other life...Until the new owner shows up after inheriting the circus from the father he's never met.

This story sure didn't age well. The story itself could work in any time setting, but the characters and their actions and reactions don't fare well in this day and age.

First of all, the story is written in third person, but from the heroine's perspective. Since said heroine, despite being twenty-two (or so we're told) comes across as childish, immature and rather self-absorbed, so we don't glean much about the hero or his possible inner workings from the narrator.
Because we're not privy to the hero's inner voice, his character and his intentions remain (mostly) a mystery, and the final revelation about his true feelings doesn't really work and seems rather unbelievable or implausible.


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