Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Review: Local Hero by Nora Roberts

Title: Local Hero
Author: Nora Roberts

Read copy: eBook (Kindle)
Published: October 9, 2012
Publisher: InterMix

Hester Wallace’s neighbor, Mitch Dempsey, doesn’t have to try very hard to win over her nine-year-old son, Radley. Mitch is the creator of Radley’s favorite comic book superhero. But Hester is a different story...

Hester has never needed a man in her life except for her son. But as Mitch and Radley strike up a friendship, she starts to see her neighbor in a new light—caring, dependable, and downright sexy enough to turn her life around.

My rating:

It started with a pizza delivered to the wrong door, but then he fell in love with her son...and her legs, and Mitch Dempsey knew life would never be the same.

What a lovely, heart-warming, a little sad at time, and slightly exasperating, thanks to the heroine, romantic little story this was.

I loved Mitch (the hero) for his steadfastness, comfort with himself and around other people, for his stubbornness when he knew he was doing (and demanding) the right thing, and his love and care for Radley. I loved Radley for his openness, his optimism, and his love for his mom and his new hero. He looked at life as full of possibilities, unlike his mother who looked at life as full of obstacles, especially when it came to her and men in her (and Radley's) life.

I understood her reservations given what she's been through with Radley's father, but as the story progressed and the reader (and her) got to know Mitch, I couldn't help but find her a tad annoying in the way she kept using Radley's no-good father and her poor experience (a long time ago, mind you) with him as a crutch to push the more-than-decent guy away.

Luckily, Mitch was just stubborn enough and he had help in the form of his little Corporal, and the conflict (that shouldn't have been there in the first place) was resolved rather quickly...

Loved it.


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