Series: One-Eyed Jacks
Author: Cindy Gerard
Read copy: eBook
Published: October 29, 2013
Publisher: Gallery Books
ISBN: 1476735220
ISBN-13: 9781476735221
Killed in Action—the most dreaded words imaginable for a soldier's wife. Jess Albert has been living with them for four years, since the death of her husband in Afghanistan. Finding blessed numbness in routine, she doesn't dare to look ahead, any more than she can bear to look back. Then Tyler Brown, a former special-ops warrior, shows up at her small general store in Minnesota North Woods, jarring her back to life. Jess knows better than to fall in love with another man who places duty to his country before love of his wife- but there's no denying the longing and the hope for a future that Ty makes her feel.
A world away, a man ravaged by years of captivity and torture, a man with no memories, finally escapes- clinging to life and sanity in a hostile land. In his darkest hour, he awakes in a lantern-lit cave to find a woman at his side. Dark-haired and dark-eyes, her touch is caring, despite the resentment he hears in her voice and sees on her face. Rabia is bound by honor to save the lost American soldier in her keeping, this broken warrior from a war that has brought so much devastation to her land. But is it honor igniting her compassion for her enemy, or is it something more?
While a Black Ops team plans a daring rescue mission to bring the solider home, two women on opposite sides of the world walk a dangerous path between betrayal and honor, and must find for themselves where to draw the lines between duty and love.
My rating:

***copy provided by publisher through NetGalley***
Four years ago Jess' husband was declared KIA and now she's finally ready to 'start living' again with a new man in her life and by her side. Unfortunately, right before the wedding, she receives some shocking news. Her husband is still alive. *gasp*
Unfortunately, this book committed 'suicide by blurb'. There's no other was to describe it. It's all there. The big twist. In the freaking blurb. And hence makes the book incredibly predictable. And incredibly boring. I just kept turning the pages (figuratively speaking, since I read an eBook), going "come on, come on, let's get it over with, bring the husband back".
It would've worked a lot better if the 'big twist' were kept hush-hush. The impact, the shock, and the 'gaspage' would've been much, much greater.
But instead I just kept waiting for the big news to break and the guy to be back...And, of course, the whole Afghani rescuer story was so utterly predictable it made my teeth hurt.
Still, it wasn't badly written, just badly 'blurbed'.
2 stars, bodyguard/military/merc/gov/cop/spy, Cindy Gerard, contemporary, contemporary romance, freebie, season greetings
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