Friday, October 18, 2013

Review: Down By The Water by Anna Cruise

Title: Down By The Water
Author: Anna Cruise

Read copy: eBook
Published: September 15, 2013
Publisher: Indie Inked
ISBN: 5269875691280

Lily can't escape the past.

Ten years after a tragedy tore her family apart, Lily is on her way to college for what she hopes will be a fresh start. Instead, she finds herself broken down in the place she swore she'd never return to, the place by the water that damaged her family beyond repair. When Ty Reilly offers her help, she reluctantly accepts, eager to get her car fixed and get the hell out of town.

But before that can happen, an eerily similar recurrence stops Lily cold. With her identity and ties to the old tragedy revealed, new suspicions cast a bright light on Lily. Everyone around her – the guy who offered her help, her own wayward sister, and the town sheriff who remembers her from a decade earlier – begins to wonder if her reappearance is merely a coincidence or if she's somehow involved.

As Lily begins to thread together strands from the past with the present, she realizes that there's no such thing as a coincidence down by the water.

And that you can't ever really leave the past behind.

My rating:

***copy provided by publisher through NetGalley***

Ten years ago, during a family vacation, Lily's sister drowned. And now, on her way to college, Lily's car breaks down on the outskirts of the town where tragedy had struck.

I really hate not finishing books. Hate it. But in a way I did finish it, I just skipped the middle. Actually I skipped most of it. I read the ending to see whether I'd be compelled to go back and read the book in its entirety.

It just didn't work for me. Mostly because it was written in first-person POV, which more and more appears to be my nemesis. It's just too limiting for my taste, granting the reader only a limited view of the story, a view through only one eyes. And that, with only one exception, really bugs me. And the fact the story was told from a twenty-year-old 'girl' didn't help matters.
But it wasn't just the first-person POV that bugged me with this story. The author's voice simply didn't appeal to me, making the narration and flow of the story stiff.

The mystery was also very disappointing to me. First of all, it took too much time to get to the point, to what the mystery actually was, and since I stopped reading at the end of chapter six, I also didn't get the entire picture. And I stopped at chapter seven because of the above-mentioned 'issues' and the fact I realized who the killer was.
Of course I didn't believe I was actually right, so I went and read the final few chapters. And lo and behold. I actually nailed the killer's identity.
And since I discovered the killer in chapter six (of 56!), that doesn't really seem a very good incentive to go back and continue reading from chapter seven.

I'm sorry to say this just wasn't the right book for me.


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