Sunday, June 26, 2011

Review: My Hero by Marianna Jameson

Title: My Hero
Author: Marianna Jameson

Read copy: Mass Market Paperback
Published: June 7, 2005
Publisher: Signet
ISBN: 0451215656
ISBN-13: 9780451215659

Southern romance writer Miranda Lane may be famous for her sensitive heroes, but her new editor wants a brooding, sexy cop that female readers will die for. Unfortunately, cops leave Miranda cold, so she turns to the arrestingly handsome Detective Chas Casey. The commitment-shy Chas is the perfect role model for her book. Soon enough she realizes that she's losing her heart to a man who specializes in drive-by romance. Now she's writing her own personal love story with a hero like no other-and a happy ending all her own.

My rating:

I don't usually have problems with rating books I've read, but this one was a tough cookie. Even while reading, I couldn't quite decide whether I loved it, liked it, or disliked it (notice, there's no "hate" in there).

At times (well, most of the time) the heroine really went on my nerves with her preconceptions about men and cops (in general). Yeah, I've been known to say men are dogs, but even in saying that I know not all men are dogs. The heroine in this one, didn't. Well, she did, she just didn't want to acknowledge that truth. And in doing so she really tried my patience.

So what's with the rating, some of you will ask. Usually, when I want to bitchslap a heroine I usually bestow a rather low rating on that book, but Miranda kinda grew on me. Like mold. Slowly, but surely. And in the end I actually ended up liking her. Don't get me wrong, she was still a pill, but a rather likeable at that.

There wasn't much story in this one, not really, and what there was, was pretty predictable, but this book was a great beach-read. Light, fluffy, funny, slightly annoying (especially when it came to a 30-something year old woman with enough sex-issues to fill a dictionary and a 30-something year old man with enough other issues to fill another dictionary), sexy, and sweet. And that for me (minus the annoyance part) is what a beach-read is all about. I don't expect philosophy, I don't want a head-ache, and I don't want my arm muscles to scream in protest at the weight.

And My Hero filled the bill (with the annoyance part thrown into the mix). Though there wasn't much story, I still loved the characters to bits.


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