Thursday, July 16, 2009

Review: Heiress Recon by Carla Cassidy

Title: Heiress Recon
Series: The Recovery Men
Author: Carla Cassidy
Read copy: eBook
Published: June 1, 2009
Publisher: Harlequin
ISBN: 1426834748
ISBN-13: 9781426834745

Brianna Waverly had barely escaped death once. So she had little choice but to accept the protection of former navy SEAL Troy Sinclair. Spirited away to a tiny cabin, her safe house was as far removed from her heiress lifestyle as she could imagine. And her bodyguard so much more exciting than any man she'd ever known.

Troy wasn't pleased to be playing house when danger lurked behind every door. Especially when the woman he had to protect was proving impossible to resist. But emotion was an entanglement he couldn't afford...because the ultimate price would be their lives.

My rating:

This is the second book in Ms. Cassidy's The Recovery Men trilogy about three ex-Navy SEAL friends encountering woman-related trouble. Not the usual trouble of the feminine nature, someone wants these gals dead and its up to the boys to figure out who and why.

Brianna "Bree" Waverly is the darling of Hollywood and a paparazzi magnet. When she is almost stabbed in a nigh club, her father fears it has something to do with a mall project he's involved in and decides to call in reinforcements. Brianna is on her way home to Kansas City, so he asks Troy Sinclair, one of the three owners of Recovery Inc. to act as her bodyguard.

Reluctantly, Troy agrees to accept the assignment as a personal favor to the old man, though he despises the life Brianna's living in Hollywood and knows he'll be having a hard time shadowing the spoiled little princess, whom someone wants dead with a vengeance.

Another dud. Though I liked Brianna more than I did the previous heroine - at least Bree saw the world for what it truly was and didn't live in some fantasy landscape in her head - she still "rubbed me the wrong way". I can't put my finger on what truly bothered me, but it just didn't click for me.

Troy was the annoying one in this book. His stubborn refusal to see beyond the tabloid-painted picture of Brianna, his thinly veiled contempt and insults...They simply spoke of an obnoxious jerk and certainly didn't create a credible picture of him as a SEAL, jumping to conclusions without hard evidence or proof. What's even more sad, he refused to listen to reason even after it became evident there was more to the girl than the headlines and made-up articles in the magazines.
Maybe this was meant to create tension between the characters, give Troy more depth or something, but it accomplished the opposite for me. I just wanted to choke him and find a more "sensible" guy for Brianna.

Again, the villain eluded me all along, once again providing the only saving grace for this story, the rest was just "meh".


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