Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Review: Love at First Bite (anthology) by Sherrilyn kenyon, L.A. Banks, Susan Squires, Ronda Thompson

Title: Love at First Bite
Series: Dark-Hunters, Wild Wulfs of London, Companion, Vampire Huntress Legend
Author: Sherrilyn Kenyon, L.A. Banks, Susan Squires, Ronda Thompson
Read copy: Mass Market Paperback
Published: October 3, 2006
Publisher: St. Martin's Paperbacks
ISBN: 0312349297
ISBN-13: 9780312349295

Until Death Do Us Part by Sherrilyn Kenyon
Over five hundred years ago, Esperetta’s soul was bound to her husband’s by dark magic, and when Velkan became a Dark-Hunter, to her horror, she became immortal as well. Now, they must come together to fight an old enemy…and the passion that threatens to consume them once more.

Ride the Night Wind by L.A. Banks
Dark dreams haunt Jose Ciponte, dreams of a woman so beautiful he aches for her-and a deadly enemy who stalks them in the night. And now those dreams have become a reality…

The Gift by Susan Squires
All Major Davis Ware wants to do is propose to the beautiful Emma Fairchild. Instead, he is called back into battle, and a desperate fate. And Emma will venture into hell itself to save him.

The Forgotten One by Ronda Thompson
Lady Anne Baldwin longs to break free from her proper bonds. When she meets the mysterious Merrick, whose eyes glow like a wolf’s, she may have found more than she bargained for.

My rating:

It's Sherrilyn Kenyon's contribution that shines in this anthology.
The hero loves the heroine, but she's a real bitch and doesn't want anything to do with him yet Retta quickly learns the error of her ways and in the end it's Velkan's turn to suffer from "cold feet". I wouldn't mind keeping him warm though. ;)
This is a love story for the ages, literally lasting through the ages. Loved the prologue and the two of them together. And I couldn't help but notice the separation did the two of them a world of good, especially Esperetta. It gave her the much needed opportunity to grow and mature to be able to take a man (and what a man!) like Velkan on.

The other three were "meh" at best, the middle two completely out there, while Ronda Thompson's contribution didn't vary much her story in the Midnight Pleasures anthology. Unfortunately. Also, the heroine really got on my nerves. I just wanted to slap her.


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