Thursday, January 5, 2012

Review: Face the Fire by Nora Roberts

Title: Face the Fire
Series: Three Sisters Island
Author: Nora Roberts
Read copy: Paperback
Published: October 29, 2010
Publisher: Piatkus Books
ISBN: 0749952873
ISBN-13: 9780749952877

Mia Devlin knows what it's like to love with your whole heart - and then watch your love walk away. Years ago, she and Sam Logan shared and incredible bond built on passion, legend, and fate. But then one day he fled Three Sisters Island, leaving her lost in memories of the magic they shared - and determined to live without love...

The new owner of the island's only hotel, Sam has returned to Three Sisters with hopes of winning back Mia's affections. He is puzzled when she greets him with icy indifference - for the chemistry between them is still sizzling and true. Angry, hurt, and deeply confused, Mia refuses to admit that a passion for Sam still burns in her heart. But she'll need his help - and his powers - to face her greatest, most terrifying challenge. And as the deadline for breaking a centuries-old curse draws near, they must take the first step toward destiny - and come together to turn back the dark...

My rating:

I never thought I'd give it five stars in the end, but there you have it. The entire premise of this book (not the series!) was based on the fact a nineteen-year-old girl knew what love was when she loved Sam Logan eleven years ago. A love so strong, so powerful, she'd shattered when he left. You were nineteen, girl! What did you know?!

Lucky he left, because he did them both a huge favor. She grew stronger as a witch, he became a man who finally knew what he wanted, and they could discover what love was together when they were both adults.

I didn't like the fact she held a grudge so long, because the reason for that grudge was stupid, if you ask me. Lucky for her (and me), Sam had a (rather) reasonable head on this shoulders—all men had in this series, while the women, the strong witches that spoke against strong negative emotions held grudges, were angry, wanted to kick Sam's butt etc. Very mature, ladies.

And I still gave it five stars. Why? Because, despite the stupid grudge-holding, this book rocked. The last in the trilogy, it was the most 'action-y', it had the most spells, it had the final battle between good and evil (which never gets old, it seems)...And it was scorching hot (you know what I mean). I never expected such 'burn' from NR, let me tell you. She usually writes rather tame love scenes that are all about imagination, but this time...Whoa. There was imagination involved, but she also 'showed' the heat.

I guess Dance Upon the Air is still my favorite in this trilogy, but this last installment is hot on its heels.


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