Sunday, April 24, 2011

Review: Crossing Borders by Cora Zane

Title: Crossing Borders
Series: Werekind
Author: Cora Zane
Read copy: eBook
Published: June 23, 2008
Publisher: Cobblestone Press
ISBN: 1600880126
ISBN-13: 9781600880124

A lonely howl in the night draws Laney Parker out of her cabin. Determined to warn the rogue werewolf away from her pack's territory, she heads into the wilderness unprotected. Little does she know, old wounds are about to be opened, and she will soon be forced to revisit her heartbreaking past. Two years have passed since Cole Holbrook was exiled from his pack. Now he's back, determined to claim Laney as his mate, even if it means trespassing onto enemy territory to take her. Nothing will stop him. Not even his old rival--Laney's pack leader brother, Seth.

My rating:

These Werekind are rather hit-and-miss, and this one is somewhere in the middle. I'm still "wobbly" on the rating, because it started rather PWP-ish, went straight into a full-on battler between two alpha wolves (over one's mate and the other's sister), and ended back in the slightly PWP-ish territory.
Still, the characters were pretty interesting. I just missed more of a story, especially an explanation as to what happened two years ago and to all the hatred the two alphas had for each other. It was just there.


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